exchange distribution

英 [ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ ˌdɪstrɪˈbjuːʃn] 美 [ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ ˌdɪstrɪˈbjuːʃn]




  1. Industrial nations 'governments are getting more involved in modes of production, exchange and distribution-see the US, long committed to minimum state involvement.
  2. Seed exchange has regular distribution along altitude gradient and marital status.
  3. Economically, it influenced and transformed the production, exchange and distribution structure in the countryside deeply.
  4. The ethical capital plays a role which cannot be replaced by any other kinds of capital, in production, exchange, distribution and consumption.
  5. A refined branch-exchange algorithm for distribution networks reconfiguration
  6. GIS Data Exchange and Distribution Oriented 2D Topography Code System
  7. Determination of Cation Exchange Distribution Coefficients for Thorium in HCl-H_3PO_4 Medium
  8. Its ion-exchange properties for alkali ions such as saturation capacity of exchange, distribution coefficient, the pH titration curve and service cycles were ( determined).
  9. Research on Model of Post Exchange and Distribution of Military Officers
  10. Research of the Total Heat Exchange Factor Distribution Regular on Walking Beam Continue Reheating Furnace
  11. His related statements bear out the view that the law of value is a law concerning the development of commodity production, exchange and distribution.
  12. The Prediction of Cation Exchange Distribution Coefficients with Artificial Neural Network
  13. Profibus-DP technologies are adopted to achieve data exchange and distribution control between the PLC and servo position controller.
  14. The core of economics is the economic interest; economics is the science of economic interests in the course of production, exchange, distribution and consumption.
  15. Bringing the different links of social reproduction i. e. production, exchange, distribution and consumption into a unified plan is the precondition of the existence of centrally planned economic system.
  16. It's chelating properties for metal ions such as exchange capacities aud distribution coefficients were also determined.
  17. By means of radiochemistry, the determination of cation exchange distribution coefficients for thorium are examined in the presence of Hcl-H3PO4. The methods for isolation and also presented in this paper.
  18. Research for the distribution of gas concentration in diffusion flames is of great importance to heat exchange and temperature distribution in combustion chambers or heating furnaces.
  19. As the source of social production, the exploitation, distribution, and use of the mineral resource all have tremendous effect on the field of social production, consumption, exchange and distribution, which directly relates to the economic and ecological security of a country.
  20. Economic history, as an interdiscipline spanning history and economics, concerns itself with economic phenomena in wider historical context. Its subject matter ranges from production, exchange, distribution to consumption.
  21. Broadly speaking, economic aesthetics is the study of economic activity ( production, consumption, exchange, distribution) and the discipline of economic thought in the beauty.
  22. After experimental validation, it can be found that the real-time access technology of land change information based on business-driven could achieve the discovery, capture, organization and exchange distribution of change data spatial or non-spatial.
  23. Sense from the relations of production, business and shows that among the production, exchange and distribution relations.
  24. Finally, it also analyses, in the light of production, exchange, distribution and consumption in regions, the reasons why regional economic injustice is caused and probes into the ways regional economic justice is realized.
  25. Based on the investigation on the interest realization processes, this dissertation thinks that there is no completely perfect interest realization mechanism which can guarantee the social welfare maximization. The exchange mechanism and distribution mechanism both have defects at improving the social welfare.
  26. In the natural geographical conditions, national identity and social development conditions, herdsmen formed unique social relations, and the unique social relations impact on the herdsmen demand, production, exchange, distribution and other economic activities.
  27. Tactical Data Link, defined as an integrated system for information processing, exchange and distribution, is widely applied to bridge the information among commanding centers, battle forces and weapon platforms in the modern digital battle field.
  28. Not only commodity production, exchange and distribution of the use of market mechanisms of regulation and the allocation of production factors ( including, labor), must also help regulate the market mechanism in a market economy.
  29. Good social credit system is good for the participants include production, exchange, distribution and consumption, to efficiently get the real information and preventing bad faith, improve the efficiency of the entire national economy.
  30. Regional Logistics is an important component of regional economic system. Logistics is service in production, exchange, distribution and consumption, has become a basic industry in development of national economy, the effect of logistics industry is becoming more and more significant.